PIA pakistan international airline

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PIA pakistan international airline

You might be surprised to know that Pakistan was China's first window 'Chinese people started seeing the world through Pakistan' PIA was the first international airline whose flight touched Chinese soil' on this landing  Celebrated throughout China'

 Pakistan sold three ships to China during Ayub Khan's reign, one of which was used by Mao Zedong. "Courtesy by Pakistan" is still written on this ship.  Pakistan was the first country to allow the import of Chinese products and we used Chinese razors and needles for a long time.

 Pakistan also provided facilities for Hajj and Umrah to Chinese Muslims. Chinese pilgrims used to reach Pakistan by buses and Pakistan used to make arrangements to transport them to the Holy Hijaz and Pakistan visa was once the biggest wish of Chinese people.  Today, China is reaching the peak of development in the world. When China comes to Pakistan with a project worth 46 billion dollars, we call it the most important event in our history.

 China has advanced while we have remained adjacent to our own mausoleum. We have never comprehensively analyzed China's growth and our decline. We have never examined the reasons why China became China.  As a result, China gave the seal of "Made in China" to the moon, through which China not only provided employment, health, education and wonderful life to billions of people, but also became the mother of six and a half billion people around the world.  went.

 We have never analyzed China's development on a scientific basis. You may be surprised to know that there are 39 cities in Europe with a population of more than one million, while China has built 160 new cities in the last thirty years.  The population is more than one million and they have all the modern facilities of the world.

 Today, the biggest factory of Mercedes cars is in China.

 Today, in Europe, America and Pakistan, you can find such vegetables and fruits that have a China sticker on them

 Today, 36,000 multinational companies in the world are forced to set up factories in China, but we have never tried to find the reasons for this development of China, nor have we collected evidence of our decline.

 We never thought there were four principles of China's development.

 Sincere leadership

 Endless labor  Self reliance

 And sobriety.

China has never been open to other nations. It has always relied on its own resources. These people work for 15-15 hours and when they are done with this work, they help others and their leadership.  He gave his body, mind and money to the nation.

 Their leader's funeral took place from the house of three marles and he never set foot in any other country in his whole life.

 We never thought that these four qualities of China are our biggest weaknesses.

 We have made Kishkol our economy, we depend on the resources of others, we are the most vacationing people in the world and all our leadership is rooted outside the country.

 His children and family are in other countries

 So today, from Afghanistan to Rwanda, we are in need of other countries, we borrow up to our breath, others also provide us with bread.

 I wish we could ask Chinese President Xi Jinping, sir, don't give us 46 billion dollar projects, teach us to eat bread of honor and live with honor, don't give us fish, teach us how to catch fish.  teach

 I wish we could learn from China's leader to make Pakistan China because nations don't need aid and compromises, they need respect and dignity and we have not taken this wealth from anyone till date.

 Till date we have not tried to learn this skill from any nation or country. Believe me, we have been living the life of carrion eaters and beggars for 74 years.

 We sometimes suck the bones thrown by America and Russia in Afghanistan.

 Sometimes they sit on the cage of the war against terrorism and scratch the meat

 Sometimes Saudi Arabia makes plans to benefit from the war in Yemen, when the world gets out of all these crises.

 It solves its own problems and issues, then we become poor and start appealing to our friends for the charity of friendship.

  Until today we considered ourselves as a nation and we did not raise our generations like a nation. We are 24 crore beggars and every year we add five million new beggars to these beggars and these beggars also grow up to be their own.  They start looking at the world like elders.

 I wish we would wake up today and decide to stand on our feet considering these 46 billion dollars as the last aid and the last investment.

 Let us declare that 'we will be the next China for the world', we will be there in twenty or thirty years, where the world will give our president the position that we have given to Xi Jinping today.  Let's make a hand. I wish we became China. Share is mandatory and follow to earn money.


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