how to lose weight fast. (KETO DIET)

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Keto diet

how to lose weight fast. (KETO DIET)

Keto diet is a popular diet plan nowadays, you must have heard about it, because many people are trying this diet and trying to lose weight through this diet. 

How to lose weight.

 Let us tell you in detail about Keto Diet i.e. "Ketogenic Diet".  You've usually heard seniors say that if you want to lose weight, avoid fatty and greasy foods.  

But the keto diet is completely different from this point of view.  In this diet plan, fatty foods are eaten more and starchy carbohydrates and proteins are avoided.

 Carbohydrates i.e. starch enter our body and provide energy and energy through glucose in the blood, but when we avoid starchy foods, our blood glucose starts to decrease and our body is forced to  Melt the stored fat and generate

how to lose weight fast. (KETO DIET)

energy.  This energy is produced by chemicals called ketones, which are produced when fat is broken down.  

That's why this diet plan is named ketogenic diet.  Gradually, our body becomes so accustomed to producing energy from fat that it not only destroys the fat in the body, but also destroys the fat and fat that is consumed immediately and the person becomes slim or succeeds in losing weight.  

becomes  But for this diet it is necessary to eat less starch and eat more fat.  In a ketogenic diet, only ten percent of starches can be used, twenty percent of proteins can be used, and the remaining seventy percent of nutritional needs can be met from fatty foods.

 The main reason why ketogenic diet is popular is that many actresses have lost weight through it.  It's so popular on social media these days, people have created groups to share ketogenic diet information, and encourage each other.  The ketogenic diet is also said to be useful in many diseases, such as diabetes.  

It is effective in diseases such as epilepsy, and this diet is said to have beneficial effects on the brain, thereby preventing diseases such as Alzheimer's in old age.  Foods that should be eaten in ketosis include fish and prawns, which should be eaten at least twice a week.

Seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart and brain health.  

Eat low starch vegetables like green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, cabbage once a day.  One cup of spinach contains only one gram of carbohydrates, while being rich in vitamins.  It compensates for iron deficiency in the body.  Vegetables like potato, sweet potato, beetroot which are high in carbohydrates which can destroy your diet should be avoided.

 The third important food is cheese, which is a treasure trove of calcium and you can eat as much as you want on a keto diet.  Avoid all fruits in fruits, except some berries, such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries can be eaten.  

how to lose weight fast. (KETO DIET)

Peach is a fruit that is very useful in cathoditis.  The meat and poultry in Ketodite will provide your body with protein.  You can eat meat and poultry.  Use only olive or coconut oil for cooking and frying.  

You can freely use butter and balai in cathodite, but ghee is also common.

 Consume dry fruits that will protect your body from malnutrition and deliver important proteins and vitamins to the brain and heart.  Apart from this, consumption of dark chocolate and cocoa powder in adequate quantity is not prohibited. 

 Tea and coffee are also not banned.

 Now coming to the fact, is ketogenic diet really beneficial for your health?  Because this diet reduces weight, but doctors and researchers are skeptical about the benefits and harms of this diet.  He believes that the research that has been done on this diet has been done on a very small scale.  Further research is underway in which the effect of this diet on the heart, brain and other organs of the body?  Because when the human body is deprived of important food for a long time, it will surely suffer from some kind of deficiency which will cause damage to the important organs of the body.

The keto diet is said to increase LDL, the harmful fat in the body, which increases the risk of heart disease.

 Dr. Ethan Weiss, a researcher and cardiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, says he was skeptical about the keto diet, but decided to look into it.  

And will adopt this diet, which first saw him skip breakfast and subsist on salads, dried fruits, cheese, and vegetables, resulting in a twenty-pound weight loss in just a few days, and he says.  He felt his body light, he had never felt such conditions before.  After this work, he created an app that answered key questions for people on the ketogenic diet, which earned him a lot of money, and an invention he called "Kateto," which  A pen-like device that counts ketones in the blood.  Through this, people can have an idea of   how successful their diet is.

how to lose weight fast. (KETO DIET)

 Despite all this, many researchers are critical of the diet plan, as just last month three doctors published an article in the JAMA International Journal of Medicine that was against the keto diet.  These doctors say that there is no clear evidence and research that Ketodite really helps with diabetes and weight loss, and that the diet has many disadvantages, such as constipation, weakness and increased LDL.  Going, plus having a keto allergy.  The faster the diet causes weight loss, the faster weight gain results from quitting the diet.  Some researchers say that it is a rich diet in which to eat meat, poultry, butter, cheese and avoid bread, rice, which suppress appetite.


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