happy in life 8 tips

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 8 practical and easy tips
 Video: How to be happy in life: 8 practical and easy tips
 Types of happiness
 Rebellious joy
 Happiness because of your abilities
 The joy that comes from giving your life meaning
 What does happiness depend on?
 Practical tips for being happy
 1. Plan enjoyable activities in your free time
 2. Make your activities a habit
 3. Spend more time with friends and family
 4. Accept what you cannot change
 5. Learn to know yourself
 6. Spend money on people around you
 7. Sleep the hours needed to feel good
 8. Set goals in your life
 Learning to be happy in life, with or without a partner and whether you have money or not, is one of the best decisions you will ever make in your life.  It is important to be happy with yourself without depending on anyone, because external circumstances are always changing unpredictably.
 Many consider the pursuit of happiness to be the ultimate goal of life, although few know how to articulate it.  In general, we can say that happiness is a feeling of general satisfaction with our life, as well as our ability to enjoy everything, material and spiritual.
 Types of happiness.  Following Seligman, an author who has extensively studied the concept of happiness, we can find 3 types.

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 Rebellious joy
 This refers to anything that temporarily makes you happy, such as a nice dinner, an afternoon at the spa, a day
 Beach, etc
 For some people, this is the only kind of happiness, thinking that by achieving it, they will be happy.  However, it is something chronic, the results of which usually do not last over time.
 If you want to achieve lasting happiness, you should associate it with the following types:
 Happiness because of your abilities
 When someone has congratulated you on your work, surely you feel happy and well-being.  Being competent in a certain area, and putting that competence into practice, gives you a much more stable and lasting happiness than in the previous area.
 To illustrate this, some examples can be: having a good command of new technologies, knowing several languages, being good at sports, etc.
 The joy that comes from giving your life meaning
 This type is extremely complex.  It is by appreciating your sacrifices that you want to improve the sacrifices of others to date
 You can get such happiness by contributing to social causes, being a father/mother, defending animal rights among others.
 What does happiness depend on?
 Some studies estimate that happiness is 50% dependent on our genetics, meaning that we are born with an optimistic or pessimistic outlook on life.

Does this mean that there is practically nothing we can do to change our happiness?  In fact, another big percentage - 40% - depends on what you do to achieve your happiness, yourself.
 So, we have 10% that these researchers attribute to events around us.  So, even though you may feel happy or sad about what has happened in your life, circumstances are not the only reason for how you feel.

 Practical tips for being happy
 1. Plan enjoyable activities in your free time
 According to Seligman, there are countless activities that give you instant gratification in everyday life.  Learn to value everything that makes you feel good, that gives you satisfaction, and do these activities often.
 Really, if you stop to think about it, you can think of infinite examples of pleasurable activities:
 Enjoy riding your bike to work (rather than putting up with unnecessary traffic jams), reading a good book, cooking your favorite meals, playing sports (running, pilates, spinning, swimming, etc.).
 As you can see, to increase your personal satisfaction.  You have multiple options every day.
 Take advantage of all the opportunities you have during your free time, because if you spend it sitting on the couch in front of the television, your satisfaction and happiness will be greatly reduced.
 2. Unite your activities
 If doing activities is important, making them a habit is even more so.  It is not enough that you sprinkle physical exercise.  In fact, it won't help increase your sense of well-being.
 However, doing some type of activity on a regular basis, such as running, going to the gym or practicing yoga, will bring you countless physical and emotional benefits.
 Commit yourself to what really makes you feel good, focusing on the activity of the moment, on fully enjoying the here and now.
So, it is not enough to go for a run, you have to pay attention to your surroundings, enjoy nature, feel how clean air enters your body, the pleasant feeling after a shower, etc.
 3. Spend more time with friends and family
 It has also been mentioned earlier that one of the factors considered to be happy is having satisfactory social relationships. If you do the activities mentioned in the previous point with friends or family, your satisfaction will be even greater.
 Humans are social beings, so enjoying the company of others is a basic need. Spend a little more time enjoying the company of others, especially the most important people in your life.
 For example, if you're a parent, you might suggest spending more time with your kids at the park, reading them a bedtime story (instead of watching TV).
 If you are a student, spend some time with your classmates after class, where you can talk about your concerns, interests, etc.
 4. Accept what you have changed
 Throughout life, you will always face obstacles, difficulties and unexpected events that may affect you negatively and that are beyond your control. The death of a loved one or your partner will leave you are examples of things that are not up to you.

 The only thing you can do about it is to go through the process of adaptation, so that you can move forward and make your life as fulfilling as possible despite the circumstances around you.
 Face your emotions and learn to manage them in a positive way, such as through writing, trusting the people around you, etc.
 Although it can't be achieved instantly, you have to learn to overcome adversity, accept everything you have no control over and focus on what you can change.
 5. Learn to know yourself

 Having a greater self-awareness of yourself, taking into account your strengths and weaknesses, will help you become a better version of yourself. To achieve this goal, take time to reflect on your concerns, your fears, your personal goals.
 Periodically write about the things you want to change about yourself and identify the things you are satisfied with. Don't feel weak by showing yourself as a sensitive person, but as someone who has enough strength to accept yourself.
 6. Spend money on people around you

 Another interesting study that analyzes the relationship between money and happiness shows that sometimes money brings happiness. This is when, instead of spending money on yourself - which is usually spent on unnecessary things -, you spend it on the people around you.
 This way, when you buy a gift for a friend, family member or your partner, you will get a fortune that will increase your level of happiness.
If you plan to start a new activity to please a friend or your partner, the activity in question will bring you nothing, so you will give it up.

 If it's a difficult goal, break it down into different steps, so you'll have a better idea of ​​where you are and it'll be easier to direct your behavior.
 For example, if you want to improve your English level, you should think about choosing a good academy, then attending classes to get a basic English certificate, then another intermediate, etc.
 Setting an unrealistic goal will increase your frustration, you will feel overwhelmed and you will choose to give up on your goal.
 .  Set goals in your life

 This point is especially important if you want to be happy.  Surely you have many goals in mind but you never find time to make them happen.
 Don't wait for next Monday or the start of the new year.  Start today to fight for what you want.
 Something to fight for will motivate you to get out of bed every day and you'll be able to sleep peacefully at night thinking you're a little closer to your dreams.
 Big goals will take time to achieve, but they are the ones that are truly worth it and will contribute the most to your sense of well-being and happiness.
 Set clear goals for yourself, such as quitting smoking, learning to ski, starting English classes, etc.  The important thing is that you set your goals based on your personal interests

 And what other points do you think are important to being happy?
 Here is the summary of the video:
 And what other ways do you recommend to stay happy?  The account and other readers will thank you
 Take this advice into action by surprising someone close to you, even if you don't have a specific reason.  Such as birthday, anniversary, Christmas etc.  And even if it is a detail that is not very expensive.
 See for yourself how good it feels to make a generous gesture.
 7. Sleep the hours needed to feel good
 There is no number of hours of sleep that is right for everyone, although in general, 7-8 hours per night is recommended.
 Try to keep your sleep rhythm regular, avoid staying up late or oversleeping, because in both cases, you will be less rested the next day, so you won't be able to appreciate the small daily pleasures.  .

 Some tips for better sleep are: Don't eat dinner too late, don't eat heavy meals and don't have distractions in the room.  Television, electronic devices etc


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