Signs Your Antidepressant Dose Is Too High

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Depression.Symptoms, Causes, and 5 Treatments

Signs Your Antidepressant Dose Is Too High

 At times most of us feel down, depressed, and depressed.  These symptoms usually resolve within one to two weeks, and our lives are not greatly affected.

 The causes of depression vary, sometimes depression or sadness can start for no apparent reason.  In most cases, we cope with this depression on our own, while talking with family or friends also helps to resolve the depression and does not require any treatment.  But this sadness starts to be called depression when

 Feelings of sadness lasting more than two weeks and still not going away –

 Depression is so severe that daily routines of life are affected –

 Some people mistakenly do not consider all depression to be a disease, but it is not.  Depression is a disease like high blood pressure and diabetes that can affect anyone.

 Depression is one of the most common diseases.  According to the World Health Organization, there are currently two hundred and eighty million depression patients in the world.  While in developing countries like Pakistan, ten to fourteen percent of the total population suffers from depression.

 Symptoms of depression

 Do not feel hungry


 Daily routines are affected

 Signs of suicide

 Causes of Depression

 Brain chemistry

 Hormone levels

 Family history

 Childhood events

 Some diseases

 Alcohol consumption

 Treatment of depression

 Use of saffron


 Omega-3 fatty acids

 Vitamin D


 Symptoms of depression

 Symptoms of depression may include:

1. Feeling tired 

2. Loss of physical energy 

3. Insomnia 

4. Excessive sleepiness 

5. Headache 

6. Muscle stiffness 

7. Digestive problems 

Do not feel hungry

 Loss of appetite can also be a sign of depression, along with weight loss or gain.  Most patients with depression experience a lack of appetite, while some individuals with depression may also have an increased appetite.


 Loss of interest in life and sadness in mood are the main symptoms of depression.  Activities in life that used to be fun and exciting lose their appeal.  Along with this, depression patients become more emotional and lose hope.

 Daily routines are affected

 Depression affects daily routines, which can lead to job loss and loss of relationships with relatives.  Depressed patients withdraw from their favorite activities, while in severe cases, depressed patients may even commit suicide.

 Signs of suicide

 Suicidality risks are greatly increased in patients with depression, so symptoms of depression include talking about suicide or death, aggressive threatening talk, and threats to harm people.

 Causes of Depression

 There can be several reasons for this disease which are as follows.

 Brain chemistry

 The amount of chemicals in the brain that play an important role in improving mood, thoughts, sleep, appetite, and behavior can be imbalanced.  An imbalance of these chemicals can lead to depression.

 Hormone levels

 In women, the risk of depression also increases due to imbalance in the amount of hormones called estrogen and progesterone.  The amount of these hormones can become unbalanced during or immediately after menstruation.

 Family history

 You are more likely to develop depression if you have a parent or family member with depression.

Childhood events

 Some unpleasant childhood events such as severe stress or trauma also increase the chances of depression.

 Some diseases

 Some diseases can also cause depression.  These diseases include anemia, chronic pain or discomfort, cancer, heart attack, etc.

 Alcohol consumption

 Regular use of addictive substances such as alcohol also increases the risk of depression.

 Treatment of depression

 The following home remedies can help reduce the symptoms of depression.

 Use of saffron

 Saffron is an attractively colored herb, along with saffron having many medical benefits, it is considered a natural treatment for depression based on its antioxidant properties.  According to some medical research, the use of saffron balances the level of serotonin in the brain, which is a mood-enhancing chemical.  Along with this, saffron supplements are also used to reduce the symptoms of depression.


 Exercise is considered an important treatment for reducing symptoms of depression.  By exercising regularly, the mind starts thinking positively, which reduces the symptoms of this disease

 But here comes the question of how much exercise is needed to get rid of depression symptoms.  Know that you don't need to run for miles to alleviate these symptoms.  Even just walking a few times a day can be enough.

 Omega-3 fatty acids

 Omega-3 fatty acids are considered very important fats for maintaining physical and mental health.  According to some studies, their regular use reduces the severity of depression.  Along with this, supplements of omega-3 fatty acids are also used in case of this disease.

Signs Your Antidepressant Dose Is Too High

Vitamin D

 Vitamin D is considered very important for maintaining good health, but unfortunately many people are deficient in this vitamin.  Individuals who are deficient in vitamin D may have worsening symptoms of depression, while a balanced amount of this vitamin in the body may reduce depression.


 Zinc is considered among the minerals that play a very important role in maintaining mental health.  Along with this, this mineral also enhances the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of various ingredients used.  Zinc deficiency can increase the risk of depression. If these treatments for depression do not work for you, you may need to see a psychiatrist.  You can use Healthwire's platform to contact any psychiatrist, as Healthwire has made communication very easy.


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